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Zhengzhou FangYuan Packaging Materials CO., LTD

How to adapt woven bags to high temperature environment

* 來(lái)源: * 作者: admin * 發(fā)表時(shí)間: 2023/04/21 16:24:00 * 瀏覽: 67

As a product with high-quality thermal insulation performance, woven bags have certain fire resistance. After special technical treatment, woven bag products are used as high-temperature resistant materials in product packaging. However, due to the irritating effect of woven bag products on human skin, it has always become one of the concerns after the use of woven bags and architectural occasions. After research, when using woven bag products in a high-temperature environment, the high-temperature woven bag is tied to the surface of the equipment with iron wire, and when the equipment temperature of the equipment required for insulation exceeds 250 °C, it is best to use double-layer insulation, and the seams of the inner and outer layers of woven bags should be separated to avoid heat loss caused by thermal bridges. Finally, the outer bread can not only protect the woven bag but also achieve the aesthetic effect, it can be seen that although the woven bag product has a certain degree of negative impact, it can still have the expected effect when people adjust and use some treatment methods for their homes.

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